You will need:
water, 200 cc
dextrin, 1 tablespoon
glycerine, 1 teaspoon
sugar, 1 teaspoon
borax (X), 1 teaspoon
glass plate, 30 x 30 cm
glass rubber
water and detergent to clean equipment and brushes
filling knives, 2
pipette / medicine dropper
whisk, small
tea strainer
measuring jug
kitchen towel, paper
empty paint tube
While stirring with the whisk, carefully add 1 tablespoon dextrin to a cup of cold water. Bring 200 cc water to the boil and strain the dextrin solution into it while whisking vigorously. Press any lumps through the tea strainer with a spoon. Add 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon glycerine and 1 teaspoon borax (conservative). Stir thoroughly and allow to cool. The binder is now ready for use. Test by placing the pigment on a glass plate. Moisten with binder. Rub out using the rubber in a powerful circular motion. Add small quantities of binder and continue to rub until you get a nice, smooth paint. This paint can be stored in empty paint tubes (see oil paint recipe).
The binder can be kept for about a month in the refrigerator. Gouache is actually a thickened water paint, mixed with chalk. If you need large quantities, use an electric mixer.